I Origins (2014): 22:24 - 22:44 (1080p) In Brooklyn, New York, USA, Sofi (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey) tells her new friend, Ian (Michael Pitt), that she has the feeling that they had a relationship in their past lives, but he is an atheistic scientist, so he doesn't believe in reincarnation. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2884206/ Movie,Clip,Vedic,Hindu (Religion),Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Reincarnation,Eye Scanning,I Origins (Film Title),2014 (Film Release Year),Astrid Bergès-Frisbey (Film Actor),Michael Pitt (Film Actor),Drama (Film Genre),Romance (Film Genre),Sci-Fi (Film Genre),1080p,yt:cc=on